The Reading and Writing Support Diagnosis, together with the Reading and Writing Development/Promotion Programme Lega Optima ® is part of the research project Giftedness and Reading and Writing Difficulties (dyslexia) developed at the University of Muenster. In this instance the LRS Support Diagnosis forms the basis for the Reading and Writing Development/Promotion Programme Lega Optima ®. However, it can also be taken as a general indication of the need for support.
In the Reading and Writing Support Diagnosis the specific causal factors of gifted children’s reading and spelling difficulties are collected in an anamnesis, i.e. the patient’s account of their medical history. Strengths as well as weaknesses are of great importance in the Reading and Writing Development/Promotion Programme in overcoming the child’s difficulties.
In addition to their history, standardised tests are used to determine the child’s individual error priorities. The error analysis, especially of the spelling, provides insights into their underlying thinking and learning processes. Based on the individual’s error profile, selective measures can then be developed.
A learning based Strategy Support Programme is provided covering learning strategies and a training programme in which parents spend ten minutes a day learning with their child . These learning strategies are based on the specific learning style and individual error priorities of the child, which are determined as part of the support diagnosis.
Learning optimisation takes place in five to seven training sessions in a four to six months period using the 'Mini-Max Principle' ('As little as possible and only as much as is needed'). The Reading and Writing Grant Programme uses a learning control based on a test comparison of the spelling skills before and after entering the programme.
If you wish to participate in this programme, please complete and return a registration form. Due to high demand and limited capacity, please expect long waiting times for an Reading and Writing Support Diagnosis. Requests will be processed after registration according to urgency.
Contact: Vivian M. van Gerven
Telephone Consultation: Fridays 09.00-12.00
Telephone: +49 (0) 251 832 9308