Teacher Training & Further Education is the design and implementation of an interdisciplinary and international education and as well as of training curricula, symposia, conferences and publication series for the research of talent and gifted education.
- Development of appropriate training and continuing education concepts for Talent Research and Talent Development
- Implementation of university lectures on the subject of talent research and practical involvement of students in projects on gifted education (teacher education through student support)
- Implementation of a continuing education program for gifted education for teachers (ECHA Diploma: 'Specialist in Gifted Training') *
- Implementation of a training course for gifted education for educators (ECHA Certificate: 'Specialist in Pre-School Gifted Education') *
- Implementation of a training course for gifted students for volunteer advisors ('Specialist in Coaching the Gifted') *
- Implementation of a training course to promote learning skills for teachers (EOS Counselling Teacher) *
- Conducting training, workshops, symposiums and conferences for Talent Research and Talented Promotion
- Publication of own publication series ('Begabungsforschung - Schriftenreihe des ICBF' ('ICBF Talent ResearchSeries') and 'Begabtenförderung - Praxisberichte des ICBF' ('ICBF Giftedness Profiles'))
- Implementation of a parent training course for the social-emotional support of gifted children and young people (Parent Training)
*For further information please visit the german part of our website (ECHA-Zertifikat). Thanks!